
▍11/19-11/26 – 梁皇寶懺法會

▍11/ 30 十五週年慶祝法會
海天禪寺秉持台灣中台禪寺開山祖師惟覺安公老和尚之慈心悲願,弘法度眾至今已滿15年。 今年將恭請中台禪寺住持上見下燈大和尚慈悲蒞臨主持「十五週年慶祝法會」,並正授三皈五戒,同時開示法要。敬邀十方善信,闔府蒞臨,恭聆法語,同霑法悅。



亡人節是菲律賓的傳統節日之一,相當於中國的清明節,乃人們緬懷先人、長存感恩的孝道展現。海天禪寺秉持佛法慈悲濟世之精神,發揚忠孝倫理、慎終追遠的美德,將於十月二十二日上午九點至下午二點,啟建「亡人節超薦法會」。會中將恭誦《彌陀普佛》,並舉行佛前大供、超薦、供燈、供花及供僧等法事,恭請海天禪寺住持  樞法師慈悲主法、開示法要。藉佛、法、僧三寶的慈悲加持,以及與會大眾誦經、布施供養、發願的清淨功德,迴向歷代先亡超生淨土,陽上增福增慧、國泰民安、世界和平。





Sequence of Ceremony

8:30 報  到



Sign up

9:00 第一支香

First Incense

  • 香讚 Incense Praise
  • 獻供獻花 Lamp & Flower Offering
  • 恭誦《彌陀普佛》
    Chant the Amitahba Buddha Memorial Liturgy
10:30 第二支香

Second Incense

  • 佛前大供 Grand Meal Offering
  • 超薦法會 Memorial Prayer
  • 開示法要 Dharma Talk
  • 供僧 Offering to the Sangha
12:00 午  齋



Vegetarian Meal

14:00 騎牛歸家

Ride the Ox Home

Clean up & Restoration


716 Jose Abad Santos St., Little Baguio, San Juan, MM.  Tel: (02) 723-6132

mail@oceanskyzen.org    www.oceanskyzen.org   www.ctworld.org.tw/108/oceansky

高榮祥 — 我在禪寺學到的事

I was first invited by one of our family friends, Lolita Lutanco, to join a meditation class in Ocean Sky Chan Monastery in 2004. I was then 20 years old, and wanted very much to study Chinese culture and practices, like kung fu, qigong, wushu and the like. Knowing that there would be monks in the temple, I was very excited to take a glimpse. Upon checking it out, the volunteers of Ocean Sky informed me that they were only offering meditation classes, which was perfectly fine with me since I really wanted to be involved in activities related to Chinese culture.

When I started my first meditation class, I found out that the monks were also teaching Buddhism as part of the curriculum. I was a college student back then, and had a lot of spare time; so I was able to quickly complete the beginners’ class followed by the intermediate class, then the advance class, and finally the sutra classes. I have also decided to repeat the classes once I was done with the levels. I really don’t know what kept me going to study in all those classes repeatedly. All I can say is I am really happy that I have completed them all.

In the process, I learned a lot of Buddhist teachings like the Four Noble Truths, Eight Fold Path, Twelve-fold Causal Chain, Six Paramitas, the Heart Sutra, the Sutra of the Eight Realizations of Great Beings, and the Surangama Sutra. I also understood the true meaning behind the putting up and burning of yellow and red tablets as part of our offerings. There are also many teachings that can help improve the way we think and act in our daily lives, which greatly enhance our personality in order to achieve our goals in life.

One of the basic teachings I can share is the law of causality. The logical equation goes like this: Cause + Condition = Effect. This means that for an effect to occur, it needs both causes and conditions to be present to get what you want. For example, I wanted to study Chinese culture, but there were no schools that taught meditation. So how could I learn then? I had the cause in mind to study, but no condition or no school for me to enroll in. In the end, it took a long time before I was able to study meditation and Buddhism.

I am really thankful for what Ocean Sky has taught me through the years. As a sign of gratitude, I make it to a point to help out in the monastery. Currently, I volunteer as an acolyte and work to make sure things go well during ceremonies. I am also responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the Chan Hall. By helping out in the monastery, I realized that there is actually plenty of work to be done in order to complete a single ceremony. A lot of preparations are needed like putting up the liturgy stands, preparing the censers and the tablet stands, arranging the tablets, arranging the meditation mats and many more things.

In helping out at the monastery, I realized I am applying what I’ve learned from the meditation classes. When working with fellow volunteers, I soon notice other people’s shortcomings. With this, I can cultivate by accepting their faults, and have longer patience. I not only learned tolerance but soon, I became a team player, and worked well together to accomplish everyone’s goal, which is to help the monastery and let more people learn about Buddhism.

Lastly, let me share with you my favorite quotation regarding how one should regard his past, present and future: “If you want to know your past, look at who you are now. If you want to know your future, look at what you are doing now.”

王麗莉(傳言) — 受在家菩薩戒心得


對傳言而言,能受菩薩戒是很有福報,很隆重的一件事情。誠如經典所言: 「眾生受佛戒,即入諸佛位,位同大覺已,真是諸佛子。」受菩薩戒就在修行道上,種下成佛的正因,生生世世,直至成佛。在菩提道上,謹記三聚淨戒的提醒,時時斷惡修善,廣度眾生,將來就能依仗持戒的清淨功德,永得解脫,契入佛位。


張蓉蓉 — 更快樂與平靜




